Curriculum Overview

To create independent and resilient learners who enquire into the world around them.

Our curriculum is bespoke and designed to fit the needs of all the children in our school community. It is based on the National Curriculum 2014 but has been split into more specific objectives in the Aughton St Michael's Curriculum document. This document ensures there is a balance been skills development and learning knowledge. The topics we study across all subjects have been selected to either: develop an understanding of a local issue; fulfil a perceived 'gap' or 'need' within our children's life experiences; and/or is a statutory area of study.  

A curriculum is never done; it is constant process of evaluate and development. This year we are focusing on:

  • developing recall and retrieval in all subjects.
  • developing knowledge organisers for our bespoke topics.
  • developing 'journeys' through the bespoke topics using key questions that need answering.
  • linking prior knowledge in History and Geography by havign key questions that need answering at the end of most topic units.

For successfull curriculum development it is vital that parents are engaged in the process. So far this year have held Meet the Headteacher, Meet the Teacher, Maths Workshop, English Workshop, Maths drop ins and English drop ins to help upskill and inform parents of our curriclum decisions and methods.

We hope that our website provides you with the all the knowledge you require regarding our curriculum but if you do have any further questions, please contact our headteacher.

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