
Our expectations were based on research from the Educational Endowment Foundation which suggested homework should be based on prior learning, follow a set pattern, have an element of quick feedback and that IT packages have the biggest impact. We therefore developed the homework table below.

Year Group





and KS1


(10 mins)

Spelling Frame linked to phonics phase and/or words to know by end of the year

Phonically decodable book recorded in Reading Record


Y3 & 4

Times Tables Rockstar

(20 mins)

Spelling Frame linked to phonics phase and/or words to know by end of the year Book sent home. If on the reading scheme to be recorded in a Reading Record


Y5 & 6

MyMaths or worksheet to answer in a homework book Spellingframe or SPaG.com Guided Reading book sent home.


Homework is set on on a Monday to be completed by the following Monday (Please note: Reading days may change depending on the day the child is heard read). That week's homework will be outlined on the class page so parents can easy find out what the expectations are for that week. The homework we set is linked to the learning the children engage with in school and completing it has a very positive effect on their progress. Most primary school children need support to complete their homework and we are asking for your support in this.

Our expectation is that all homework is done. Staff will check homework on a Monday morning. If homework is completed the children will get team points. If a piece of homework is not completed the child will get a warning. If homework is not complete 2 weeks in a row or 3 times in a half-term, parents will receive an email from the class teacher to inform them. If a consistent pattern of not doing homework emerges, school will contact parents to discuss how we could support you further in ensuring your child completes their homework.

Thank you again for your support in this matter.

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