Books to Read Before You Leave Aughton St Michael's
Here’s a list of books to try and read in whilst you are at our school. The aim is to provide a variety of books that could be read; it is not an exhaustive list and we'd rather child enjoyed their reading than just ploughed through a predefined list. The books can be read to your child, with your child or by your child - reading along side your child and discussing vocabulary, themes and opinions is vital at all ages, not just during the early stages of reading.
The books have been split into year groups and your child's challenge is to try and read at least half of them by the end of the each year (if you’ve already read them, you can tick them off, but they don’t count towards this year!) and it get more difficult as the books get longer higher up the school. The first row is books you may read as part of your curriculum, so please only read them when your teacher gives them to you or after the term it is used! The other rows are a mixture of genres, themes and classic or modern stories. Try to mix up your choices and then post a review on your class’s reading blog. Every half term the best reviews will win a prize!
We hope you enjoy the challenge and any feedback is welcome.
Each term the class teacher will chosen a book they will read themselves and, if the children want to, they can read the same novel and discuss it in class.
This term's books are:
Reception: Detective Dog by Julia Donaldson
Y1: Owl Babies by Martin Waddell
Y2: The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi
Y3: Sheep-Pig (Babe) by Divk King-Smith
Y4: TThe Diamond Brothers: The Falcon's Malteser by Anhton Horowitz
Y5: The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd
Y6: Raven's Gate by Anthony Horowitz